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Cell Polarity

Book Series:  A Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology Collection
Subject Area(s):  Developmental BiologyCell Biology

Edited by Keith E. Mostov, University of California School of Medicine

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Role of Polarity Proteins in the Generation and Organization of Apical Surface Protrusions

© 2017 • 312 pages, illustrated (42 color, 10 B&W), index
Hardcover • $135 94.50
ISBN  978-1-621821-45-8
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  •     Description    
  •     Contents    
  •     Reviews    


Most animal cells are polarized, with structurally and functionally distinct regions. This polarization facilitates processes such as differentiation and morphogenesis, directional cell migration, nerve impulse transmission, and transport of molecules across tissues. The dysregulation of these processes can lead to developmental disorders and is a feature of many cancers.

Written and edited by experts in the field, this collection from Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology reviews our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in establishing and maintaining cell polarity, as well as their relevance for human disorders. Contributors discuss how cells coordinate signaling pathways, membrane trafficking, and cytoskeletal remodeling to ensure proper spatial arrangement of cellular components. Processes such as transcytosis, exocyst-mediated vesicle trafficking, and endosomal sorting are covered in detail. Throughout, the focus is on epithelial cells and how polarity mechanisms facilitate the development of their apical and basolateral surfaces, tube formation (e.g., in blood vessel development), exchange of waste and nutrients, and the generation and maintenance of specialized structures at the cell surface (e.g., cilia).

The authors also describe the polarity mechanisms involved in collective cell migration, a phenomenon seen during morphogenesis and cancer metastasis. This volume will thus be essential reading for all cell and developmental biologists, as well as those interested in how cell polarity processes impact human health and disease.


Phosphoinositides and Membrane Targeting in Cell Polarity
Gerald R. Hammond and Yang Hong
The Crumbs3 Polarity Protein
Ben Margolis
Polarized Exocytosis
Jingwen Zeng, Shanshan Feng, Bin Wu, and Wei Guo
Regulation of Cell Polarity by Exocyst-Mediated Trafficking
Noemi Polgar and Ben Fogelgren
Microtubule Motors in Establishment of Epithelial Cell Polarity
Geri Kreitzer and Monn Monn Myat
Membrane Transport across Polarized Epithelia
Maria Daniela Garcia-Castillo, Daniel J.-F. Chinnapen, and Wayne I. Lencer
The Biology of Ciliary Dynamics
Kuo-Shun Hsu, Jen-Zen Chuang, and Ching-Hwa Sung
Role of Polarity Proteins in the Generation and Organization of Apical Surface Protrusions
Gerard Apodaca
Laminins in Epithelial Cell Polarization: Old Questions in Search of New Answers
Karl S. Matlin, Satu-Marja Myllymäki, and Aki Manninen
Directional Fluid Transport across Organ-Blood Barriers: Physiology and Cell Biology
Paulo S. Caceres, Ignacio Benedicto, Guillermo L. Lehmann, and Enrique J. Rodriguez-Boulan
Regulation of Transporters and Channels by Membrane-Trafficking Complexes in Epithelial Cells
Curtis T. Okamoto
Trafficking Ion Transporters to the Apical Membrane of Polarized Intestinal Enterocytes
Amy Christine Engevik and James R. Goldenring
Signaling Networks in Epithelial Tube Formation
Ilenia Bernascone, Mariam Hachimi, and Fernando Martin-Belmonte
Epithelial Morphogenesis during Liver Development
Naoki Tanimizu and Toshihiro Mitaka
Mechanisms of Cell Polarity-Controlled Epithelial Homeostasis and Immunity in the Intestine
Leon J. Klunder, Klaas Nico Faber, Gerard Dijkstra, and Sven C.D. van Ijzendoorn
Targeting the Mucosal Barrier: How Pathogens Modulate the Cellular Polarity Network
Travis R. Ruch and Joanne N. Engel
Making Heads or Tails of It: Cell-Cell Adhesion in Cellular and Supracellular Polarity in Collective Migration
Jan-Hendrik Venhuizen and Mirjam M. Zegers


review:  “This timely and thoughtful compendium beautifully summarizes the mechanisms governing cell polarity in discrete and thorough reviews.... It is clear that each chapter was carefully chosen and that this volume represents an essential read for any researcher working on cell polarity.... Chapters concisely review the vast literature describing every aspect of cell polarity and present the information in a wonderfully digestible form for both experts in the field and novice researchers.”
      —The Quarterly Review of Biology