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The Biology of Lipids: Trafficking, Regulation, and Function, Second Edition

Subject Area(s):  Cell BiologyBiochemistryPlant Biology

Edited by Robert G. Parton, The University of Queensland; Kai Simons, Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and Lipotype GmbH

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Seeing the Membrane from Both Sides Now: Lipid Asymmetry and Its Strange Consequences

© 2024 • 343 pages, illustrated (79 color), index
Hardcover • $79
ISBN  978-1-621824-74-9

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  •     Description    
  •     Contents    


Lipids are the major component of cell and organelle membranes. They are essential for maintaining cell integrity and defining distinct subcellular compartments but also play important roles in a variety of other cellular processes. Membrane fission and fusion and movement of lipid-enveloped vesicles underlie the majority of protein trafficking in cells and are critical for the function of synapses in the nervous system. In addition, lipids participate in numerous signaling pathways that connect cell-surface receptors with intracellular effectors.

Written and edited by experts in the field, this new edition of the highly successful Cold Spring Harbor volume on lipids provides a comprehensive update on lipid cell biology. The contributors discuss the organization of lipids in cellular membranes, membrane biophysics, and the phase transitions lipids undergo. They examine tools for analysis of lipids and lipid modifications. They also review our understanding of lipid sorting and its role in maintenance of organelle identity.

The volume covers the functions of lipids in various signal transduction pathways, as well as the roles of cholesterol, extracellular vesicles, and the importance of lipids in the unfolded protein response. Including discussion of the importance of lipids for synaptic activity and memory, it is an indispensable reference not only for cell biologists and biochemists but neurobiologists and any other researchers interested in the importance of lipids in cell physiology.


Seeing the Membrane from Both Sides Now: Lipid Asymmetry and Its Strange Consequences
Milka Doktorova, Ilya Levental, and Frederick A. Heberle
A Survey of Models of Cell Membranes: Toward a New Understanding of Membrane Organization
Satyajit Mayor, Abrar Bhat, and Akihiro Kusumi
The Membrane Phase Transition Gives Rise to Responsive Plasma Membrane Structure and Function
Sarah A. Shelby and Sarah L. Veatch
Lipid Sorting and Organelle Identity
Yeongho Kim and Christopher G. Burd
Endocytic Roles of Glycans on Proteins and Lipids
Ludger Johannes, Massiullah Shafaq-Zadah, Estelle Dransart, Christian Wunder, and Hakon Leffler
Endoplasmic Reticulum Membrane Homeostasis and the Unfolded Protein Response
Robert Ernst, Mike F. Renne, Aamna Jain, and Alexander von der Malsburg
Intracellular Cholesterol Trafficking
Elina Ikonen and Vesa M. Olkkonen
Phospholipase Modulation of Synaptic Membrane Landscape: Driving Force Behind Memory Formation?
Tristan P. Wallis and Frédéric A. Meunier
Phosphoinositides in New Spaces
Elizabeth Michele Davies, Christina Anne Mitchell, and Harald Alfred Stenmark
Chemical Approaches for Measuring and Manipulating Lipids at the Organelle Level
Masaaki Uematsu and Jeremy M. Baskin
Beyond Fluidity: The Role of Lipid Unsaturation in Membrane Function
Takeshi Harayama and Bruno Antonny
The Role of Membrane Lipids in the Formation and Function of Caveolae
Anne K. Kenworthy, Bing Han, Nicholas Ariotti, and Robert G. Parton
RAS GTPases and Interleaflet Coupling in the Plasma Membrane
Junchen Liu, Neha Arora, and Yong Zhou
Lipids in Extracellular Vesicles: What Can Be Learned about Membrane Structure and Function?
Tore Skotland, Alicia Llorente, and Kirsten Sandvig
Membrane Epilipidome—Lipid Modifications, Their Dynamics, and Functional Significance
Sider Penkov and Maria Fedorova
Cholesterol, Eukaryotic Lipid Domains, and an Evolutionary Perspective of Transmembrane Signaling
Yan Shi, Hefei Ruan, Yanni Xu, and Chunlin Zou
How Neuromembrane Lipids Modulate Membrane Proteins: Insights from G-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) and Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs)
Mykhailo Girych, Waldemar Kulig, Giray Enkavi, and Ilpo Vattulainen